Snips & Snails & Puppy Dog Tails
This picture serves as evidence that a toddler boy can get muddy on a walk even when he doesn’t leave the stroller. Of course, it comes from mommy being accommodating and giving him sticks to play with along the way.
The children and I are almost a month into nearly daily walks (I’m still failing dismally on Sundays) and we are loving it. The fresh air, the critters (squirrels, dogs, bunnies, birds, etc), the neighborhood things to see, the exercise (for mommy) all add up to one of the best parts of our day.
We even managed to go out on a particularly rainy day… mommy was drenched (she forgot a poncho), but our woonderful double strolelr ($170 new… and*cough* ours was $20 at a yard sale) has rain protection for the kids. I put blankets around Striderling and Princess Peach to make sure they didn’t get too cool.
oh, yes… that’s groceries in the bottom of the stroller too. I carried a 15 pound ham home in a backpack a few days ago, too. That makes me either:
a) cheap
b) resourceful
c) trashy
d) a hippy
e) all of the above… maybe?