Donations & Other Helps

Donations & Other Helps
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As of February 2, my husband joined the ranks of the unemployed. He searched diligently for work, and we trusted God to provide all our needs, which He graciously did. Sometime in March, my husband started working as a teacher’s aide in a special needs classroom at the high school. This is approximately a 70% paycut. He is also going back to school to get certification to teach full time. We still trust God but some of our readers have asked if they can participate in God’s providence.

You can help us the most by:

Praying for us:
That we are wise with the resources we have; that my husband gets good counsel on the best way to achieve his certification quickly; that we are able to find good ‘bargains’; that he does well in school; that there is a good job for him when he finishes.
Prayer is not the ‘least’ you can do. It’s the most.

In addition to prayer, there are other ways you can help us without spending any money, and that’s important to us. We know we are not the only family with economic short falls right now-

You can send us blog traffic to help increase our blog income. This is a HUGE help. Share links to our posts with your friends via emails, facebook messages or twitter. This is a fabulous, wonderful help. It’s a gift that keeps on giving. When you share posts that you find helpful, we get new readers, and more traffic. When we get more traffic, we get a few more pennies from our advertisements. and maybe they will find the post you shared helpful enough to pass it on and share it with others as well. And, of course, we did strive to write useful, helpful, content that will encourage, educate, or inform our readers and be a blessing to them rather than a waste of their time.

You can click on the advertisements to help increase that money.
You can sign up for ebates or swagbucks through our referral links,
And you can shop at Amazon using referral links here on the blog. Both of our married daughters also have Amazon affiliate links, and we’re all thrilled when anybody purchases something through any of us.

Here are some books that are particularly useful for those who are struggling to make ends meet, only if at all possible, you should check them out from the library or find them used. After all, we’re saving money, yes? Of course yes:

The Complete Tightwad Gazette

Making It: Radical Home Ec for a Post-Consumer World

More-With-Less Cookbook (World Community Cookbook)

Simply in Season Expanded Edition (World Community Cookbook)

Fresh Food from Small Spaces: The Square-Inch Gardener’s Guide to Year-Round Growing, Fermenting, and Sprouting

If you click through an Amazon affiliate link, anything you buy is credited to our affiliate link, not just the specific things we linked to.

You can also donate through paypal by using the button above, if you desire, and we are grateful for that, too.


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