Peak Oil, and other failed predictions

July 12, 2023

Peak Oil, and other failed predictions
Laster winter’s USA weather pattern repeats a pattern 100 years ago:
The eastern half of the US completely missed the winter of 1889-1890, while the Pacific Northwest had one of their coldest winters on record.
Romm and McKibben would have explained this familiar pattern as being due to chicken farts. The pattern is almost identical to this past winter. Hansen of course would say that this type of weather was impossible prior to 1988.

Back in 1951 an MIT scientist studying sunspots made a weather prediction- global cooling. His prediction, unlike the climate models predicting further warming, turned out to be true. So what happened?

Same thing that happened to Peak Oil. How are Peak Oil doomsayers like Jehovah’s Witnesses?

How many failed apocalypse predictions do we need to see before we stop believing them? The gullibility is what drives situations like this one- to the tune of 45,000 for dog poo studies.

$257 Billion invested in renewables; $302 billion invested in fossil fuel power. One of those investments repays that investment for just 3% of power supplied. Care to guess which one is the Money Pit?

“I take a fairly nuanced view. I’ve been a severe critic of the IPCC: they’re letting society down, and have an obligation to do much better reports than they do. Their failure to do so is an abnegation of their duty.” His view, he said, was tempered by a view of risk based on his business experience. “You’d be negligent not to take the IPCC as the basis of policy, even if you thought the quality of the work required tremendous improvement. I hope people do a better job.”

Guess who said this? If you are one of those who imagines I don’t know what I’m talking about when I post about climate change issues, I think you’ll be surprised. You’re being used and lied to. Don’t you wonder why?

Sprites- a rare, and rarely seen lightening phenomenon, captured on film for the first time. Very cool.

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